Last updated
Last updated
Currently on testnet (Amoy). Contracts π PrutopiaUser: 0xFCA5E805ADaE635e85af273a7209922283cf8F47 PrutopiaExperience: 0x55A69384eE9eb00cef7eF292C2f4f3300F48668e PrutopiaWorkRecord: 0x74d286406E02aC4B33460EC43c994709eA63fB9f
Prutopia has developed 3 Smart Contracts that allow storing and handling data and metadata, and expose an unmutable business logic.
Seeing the Blockchain as a Database, we can identify the following entities that store all necessary data.
Visit each page to know more details about the Smart Contacts.
Although the contract logic enables the potential option to charge for each registration, it is not in the short-term roadmap to charge for this service.
Fees for adding an Experience can be paid with Native Token or with a configured ERC20. Price is fixed. This price can never be higher than 10 MATIC or 5 USD and is hardcoded in the contract.
Fees aren't charged when adding a Work Record but only when it is ended. It can be only paid with a configured ERC20, using only USD pegged. The amount is determined by a percentage on the Work Record price, and that the reason for using a USD pegged token. This percentage can never be higher than a 10% and is hardcoded in the contract. For small amounts there is a minimum, that can never be higher than 5 USD. This value is also hardcoded.